So... Tomorrow is CCC Birthday (1st July) and for the first time ever, Matt gives us a FREAKIN' CAR BUILDER. It's kind of hard to make one lol. It'll cost you 10,000c (c is the money on CCC, c means "credits"). Which is kind of suck, since it's expensive (probably the most expensive builder after the egg and the shop turtle). It's cool though, i made 3 cars, since i'm bored xD
It's pretty nice, here's some picture of my car (it's freakin' weird if you ask me)
My first car: Race car (a bit of a fail, don't you think?)
My second car: The V1n-Mobile (again, another fail lol)
My 3rd car: The Bloodiest Car In CCC (so exclusive)
I like the cars :)