Saturday, June 30, 2012

Special Interview: P5yco

All right guys, like at my last post, I kind of say I will have an interview with P5yco, one of the old moderators of CCC, so... here we go :D

CCC Nick:


Software Developer

When did you start playing this?
September last year

Beta times, how is it...?
I don't think it's beta times, since the game is evolving..., but It was different but more on the
UI side, there's one city in the game

How did you become the Moderator?
Long story lol.
So I met Matt a month after I'm playing, I found a bug at this game and told Matt. We exchange e-mails and then, sometime later, he picked me as a Moderator. I still help him find some bugs and sometime in the development

You did say your a software developer, what kind?
Any kind, any tech you want

Any comment on the people here, or something like that?
Well, I'm an old man and also a father. I can handle kids, but some kids are extremely though... to handle. An CCC is full of kids. I try to keep CCC family friendly. Keeping an eye on the "troublesome" people.

BONUS QUESTION: If you can have any car in the world, what would it be, and why?
Toyota Yaris Hybrid Electric, since i'm a green guy xD

So that's P5yco, an awesome, yet strict moderator. PEACE xD

-Note: some of the stuff there are probably being "edited" for a "save pages" so it's not a "TL;DR" (To Long ; Didn't read) kind of stuff

Me and P5yco, on his shop (try visit P5's shop if you're around)

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