Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Update: Cabinet Builder

Well, it's V1n again...
Another update from Matt... and it's a cabinet builder... It's a "what the fuck..." kind of update for me... since it's really, and I mean REALLY a "wow"... since it's a cabinet builder... a bit cool... and weird in the same way... a surprise update...

I don't think the other player really knows that Matt will put this... and I don't know why he put it... since it's weird. Anyway... since it's gonna be a rant.. so... here we go...

if you look closely, I use "..." since well, like i said, it's a weird update... i think nobody gonna know that and I don't know why Matt put it... since I don't think you can use it properly... but I just gonna make one for my shop.

The problem is for me that Matt didn't solve the "lag issues" or well make a "Quality control" where you can set the quality of the game's graphic.. that would be  nice for the kind of computer that is "out dated" and never got any upgrades. I said this since... well I got an old computer, and the games lag... and I would say the lags is caused by the "graphic" itself... So, if Matt is reading this... somehow... please make a "Quality Toggle" where you can set the quality mode from low to medium and high... but I think that would have to restart the whole game... so... it's Matt's choice.

Well, that's enough of the rants and the news and stuff...

Hope you guys got a good day/night and stay safe and keep on being awesome, or keep being a nerd or something...


here's some photo of the cabinet i make (IT'S A FREAKIN' FAIL!)

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