Friday, September 28, 2012

What Happen If...

Ok uh... V1n again...
I would consider this post as a "concern to the game" since I'm a bit concern (to be honest) that CCC might be like have a massive spam by the pedophiles and the... well sexual stuff i would say (sounded a bit like an anti virus program... but it's true actually)

So here we go i guess

  • What happen if pedos attack CCC?
Well, if you guys heard about the game called "Habbo Hotel"... you probably know the news about pedophiles there (now it's pedo free again...). Well, i would say CCC might have a risk of this.

I mean, to think of it... there's a lot of 9-13 years old (or i would say... "stupid freakin' pre-teen girls pretending to be an adult"). And since of that, there would be some pedos.

You would say "V1n, that sound a bit stupid" well it's not...
You can say it's stupid, but it's not... the dating that happens on CCC may and probably will cause CCC to have pedophiles. And that's bad business, really bad business. And mods should be A LOT concern for this (and i would say more training for the new mods)

Advice for the new moderators: be aggressive, seriously, you look a bit of a "wimpy" (in my opinion, sorry if this offend you, but seriously, a bit wimpy)

  • What happen if the news (the media) caught about CCC having pedos?
That's an easy question... the media (news, and shit like that) would probably cover it, and will (and i mean it... WILL) probably say "Don't play this game". And in result... CCC would have a 100% mute (like Habbo).

But that's still a possibility, but yeah like i said, the mods should be A LOT concern about this... And probably fix the rules of the moderating in CCC...

Since think about it... if mods use the "3 warnings and then report and suspend" stuff on pedophiles, i don't think it'll work. And adding bots for moderators would fix this (and probably make the game a bit slower, but Club Penguin can do it, why not CCC?)

Note for moderators that see this post: No... this is not a "YOU GUYS SUCK!" post... this is my (V1nn13z) concern about moderating... and probably possibility of "pedophiles attack" in CCC, please keep in mind of this...

And this is just a possibility, and probably (again) my concern to CCC, since what i see so far, the new mods are not as aggressive as the old mods, and that's kind of bad (and since mods now only gives "good and behave" players as moderators, and not one of those "people that is mean, but actually concern about the game")

That's all I guess (sorry for the TL;DR [To Long; Didn't Read] post)


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