Saturday, September 8, 2012

CCC Blogger 8.0

Ok new blog, this is one of the famous designer name Fluttershy (she's a girl, obviously). She just started, and it looks quite fine (only the placement of the "stuff" she add on the blog are a bit messy for me, sorry flutter :\).

So here's the new list:

  1. Caroline's Chit Chat City Blog
  2. CCC: STUFF (I got interviewed here)
  3. Chit Chat City by Lena
  4. Deser Sparkles
  5. and a fan-site:  CCC FUN PLACE
  6. - Index page (Dunno about this one lol)
  7. Ariana_:D's Blog ! ChitChatCity :)
  8. CCCityMore
  9. CCC Fashion Blog (talk about latest CCC fashions and stuff)
  10. Hina CCC LOVER (it's a "dairy" rather than a "blog")
  11. CCC News Place! | Writing away with
  12. Brianna's Adventure On Chit Chat City
  13. What happens in the CCC ? | Writing away with
  14. Chit Chat City (no this is not the Chit Chat City... this is a blog named Chit Chat City)
  15. CCC Fashion Police
  16. The Life Of AAS High Boarding School!
  17. Familys on ChitChat City
  18. cool :- CCC
  19. Fluttershy's CCC Blog
Ok that's the new list... visit them, say hi to them, tell V1nn13z advertise the sites, or do what ever you want (as long as is not a crime)

Full List:



  1. Lol, i know its pretty messy, things get squished because of how narrow i made the box things XD and it ends up looking like crap.

  2. V1nn13z, is your name just "v1nn" now?
