Wednesday, August 15, 2012


ERMAHGERD, ZERMBER DERGS!? Yeah you read it right (if you can't read it... it says "OMG, ZOMBIE DOGS!?). Matt apparently add a "zombie dogs" (or Undead Dogs if you read it from the CCC news) to the cemetery. It's a green pup actually... with limbs showing and stuff like that.

Thumbs up on that... since "finally" there's a pet zombie.
So here's the list of the "monsters" in the Cemetery:

  1. Common Zombie (a weird green zombie): gives you 50c
  2. Tough Zombie (a weird red zombie): gives you 100c
  3. Ghost (the only though monster you'll see): gives you 200c
  4. Undead Dogs (weird little green pup): gives you 150c
So... I think my advice is...

  1. Disable the "profile tab" when you click a person in CCC when you're at The Cemetery (seriously... it's REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY *bleep*-ing annoying -.-)
  2. Graphic Toggle (since for some "players" that uses a really old computer, it lags a lot in The Cemetery when there's a lot of people... and the rampaging zombies and ghosts...)
  3. Fixing the lags in the Cemetery (that's a THE MOST IMPORTANT STUFF TO PUT, since It's really pissing everyone off that it kept lagging if you have to kill 3 FREAKIN' zombies at once... seriously... it's more annoying then "Desu" and "Wee-a-boo")
Guess that's all... and those 2 probably the main concern for me... since it really ruins the fun of "killing zombies to earn cash"

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