Saturday, June 30, 2012

Special Interview: P5yco

All right guys, like at my last post, I kind of say I will have an interview with P5yco, one of the old moderators of CCC, so... here we go :D

CCC Nick:


Software Developer

When did you start playing this?
September last year

Beta times, how is it...?
I don't think it's beta times, since the game is evolving..., but It was different but more on the
UI side, there's one city in the game

How did you become the Moderator?
Long story lol.
So I met Matt a month after I'm playing, I found a bug at this game and told Matt. We exchange e-mails and then, sometime later, he picked me as a Moderator. I still help him find some bugs and sometime in the development

You did say your a software developer, what kind?
Any kind, any tech you want

Any comment on the people here, or something like that?
Well, I'm an old man and also a father. I can handle kids, but some kids are extremely though... to handle. An CCC is full of kids. I try to keep CCC family friendly. Keeping an eye on the "troublesome" people.

BONUS QUESTION: If you can have any car in the world, what would it be, and why?
Toyota Yaris Hybrid Electric, since i'm a green guy xD

So that's P5yco, an awesome, yet strict moderator. PEACE xD

-Note: some of the stuff there are probably being "edited" for a "save pages" so it's not a "TL;DR" (To Long ; Didn't read) kind of stuff

Me and P5yco, on his shop (try visit P5's shop if you're around)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Special Moderator Interview: =Jay_Hawk=

Ok, finally got a moderator to do this "segment", I really want to do this... so, there's a mod (that's what I usually call "Moderators") named =Jay_Hawk=, here we go :D

  • CCC Nick?


  • Age?

Remain secret

  • First day playing CCC?

January this year

  • Start Moderating?

A month after I play this

  • How did you get "promoted" to be a moderator?

Matt picked me

  • Any though on the "copiers" or the "law breaking citizen"?

For copiers, no comment
For law breaking citizen, we moderators will give you warning, then reports after you got 3 strikes

  • BONUS!!!! Favorite animal?

Alpaca :D

  • Why alpaca?

Because they're fluffy and cute! Look at their faces. Hope I could keep one lol

Ok... that's conclude Jay_Hawk, he's an awesome mod btw, probably after this I gonna ask P5yco... or one of the girls moderator, see you next time :D

(Left) =Jay_Hawk= (Right) Me (V1nn13z)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

First Interview: HelloKittay

Today I interviewed one of CCC famous designers (her shop is famous too) named HelloKittay:

  • CCC Nick
HelloKittay, usually people call me Kitt
  • Age?
Remain Secret
  • First day at ccc?

About 1 or 2 years ago

  • First time designing/house?

It's a box house, kind of weird, the first design is a fail lol

  • How did you manage to get famous?

I dunno, I create some stuff, open the first time, few months later, it's famous

  • First copier?

One of the avatar, its really sucks...
Don't know who though

  • Though on the copiers?

They should think of their own designs and be more creative

And that's conclude HelloKittay's story... I might start interviewing people that's famous (or the moderators lol)

-the words are a bit edited, sorry :\

The Batgirl of CCC

Anyway, back to my "Batgirl of CCC" story, she found her twin... a lot cooler than her i guess, their having a fight....

Let's forget about that... let's talk about the "Original" batgirl and how i met her at CCC

I met her when i have my shop at the 1st city: Capital City, I was minding my own buisness, then I got a Private Message saying "hey can you make a costume for me" and i said "Sure, what kind of costume". So she tell me she's a big fan of "Batgirl". So i agree to make it, so... i make it. Then she started to fight off crimes and stuff like that... She got married in-game eventually (let me just tell you about "CCC Relationship" later). And that's all.... I guess

Stay tune for the "CCC Relationship" rant/info here at the blog :D

Freakin' Copiers, how to they work

One of the "CCC" world problem... Copyrights

It's kind of stupid for me... I mean... copyrights? It's the internet, nothing is sacred, right?
I mean yeah sure, copyrights is everything, but come on... It's on the internet rule: Nothing is sacred
If you go to reddit or 4chan or sites that shows memes or something, there's always be repost... so basicly, everybody that copies it, are basicly... FREAKIN' REPOST, am I right? I'm making a rant here, since i saw some blog (a CCC blog too) about copiers.

In CCC, there's 2 majors "Shops" one is HelloKittay's shop and Chan's shop (or now Derp's Shop). Of course, every major stuff have a "fake" ones. So basicly she's (the other CCC blogger) ranting about the copiers, she writes all of the copiers at her blog, and of course... it's beginning to be a war there.

It's a stuff makes you think, is it stupid to rant about this? Well, yeah but somebody gonna do it lol. I found my copier once, and it was a fail, and I know who make it, so I'm fine with it. That's about it I guess...

Here's her blog I mention earlier lol:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My shop and my friends on CCC

Ok so... like I said on my intro... it's about my adventure or experience at CCC

I got a shop there, i moved once from the Capital City (one of the CCC cities name) to Shopping District
the coordinate (which is the location there) is 50 : 90, it's a cool shop I guess... and it's not that popular. To bad, so sad :\

Anyway... I got a lot of friends there... and a lot of desperate girls asking me to be their "boyfriend" which is awkward lol. and I met this girl, she's the how should I put this... uh...


She's nice though, she lost nearly a lot of sidekick, her last side kick call her a freakin' crazy b...
It's a funny story, she freakin' kick the dudes ass, and she kick his nuts (which is if you're a guy, you know how painful that feel). So she still hunting for her "sidekick". She did ask me though... and I'm still thinking about it... (xD).
She got a... nemesis, she told me that there's a "Gangsters" running around, but it's kind of weird... since come on... it's a PG games, how could there be a Gangsta... probably I gonna make a special sub-subject about her adventure

That's all I guess, I'll write more about her or my "adventure" here

V1nn13z' Blog Intro

Sup guys, I'm V1nn13z, and this is my first blog ever :D
Ok, so... this blog is mainly about my adventure or experience at a game called "Chit Chat City" which is a social game... and I've been there for about 5 months i think... Anyway, enjoy the blog

If you wanna join me, here's the link